Please click the individual company name below for contact details of that company. Companies that allow investors to register on our website are highlighted in bold and italic.
Lignia Wood Company Limited
Contact: | Caroline Turner |
Address: |
Unit 10 Atlantic Trading Estate Barry Wales CF63 3RF |
Limitless Earth plc
Contact: | Nilesh Jagatia |
Tel: | 0207 467 1700 |
Web: | www.limitlessearthplc.com |
Address: |
2nd Floor 2 London Wall Buildings London EC2M 5PP |
Lombard Capital plc
Contact: | Steve Monico |
Tel: | 01234 40 20 40 |
Web: | www.lombardcapitalplc.com |
Address: |
19 Goldington Road Bedford MK40 3JY |
Love Hemp Group plc
Contact: | James Mahony, Andrew Male |
Web: | www.worldhighlife.uk |
Address: |
The Broadgate Tower 20 Primrose Street London EC2A 2EW |
Metals Exploration plc
Contact: | Mike Langoulant |
Tel: | 07899 249990 |
Web: | http://www.metalsexploration.com |
Address: |
200 Strand London WC2R 1DJ |
Milamber Ventures plc
Contact: | Derek Watson |
Tel: | 020 74671700 |
Address: |
27 Old Gloucester Street London WC1N 3AX |
Nostra Terra Oil and Gas Company plc
Contact: | Matt Lofgran |
Web: | www.ntog.co.uk |
Address: |
Finsgate 5-7 Cranwood Street London EC1V 9EE |