Please click the individual company name below for contact details of that company. Companies that allow investors to register on our website are highlighted in bold and italic.
Papillon Holdings plc
Contact: | James Longley |
Tel: | 0208 720 9323 |
Web: | www.papillonholdingsplc.com |
Address: |
Anchor House 4 Durham Street Vauxhall London SE11 5JA |
Petards Group plc
Contact: | James Murray / Helen Morris |
Tel: | 01483 230345 |
Web: | www.petards.com |
Address: |
Parallel House 32 London Road Guildford Surrey GU1 2AB |
Phoenix Global Resources plc
Contact: | Nigel Duxbury |
Tel: | 02079691828 |
Web: | www.phoenixglobalresources.com |
Address: |
6th Floor King's House 10 Haymarket London SW1Y 4BP |
Pineapple Power Corporation plc
Contact: | Clive De Larrabeiti |
Tel: | 07973 177973 |
Web: | www.pineapple-powercorp.com |
Address: |
52 Kinsgway Place Sans Walk London EC1R 0LU |
Plutus Powergen plc
Contact: | Nick Lee |
Web: | www.plutuspowergenplc.com |
Address: |
. |
Power Metal Resources plc
Contact: | Matt Wood |
Tel: | +44 20 75838304 |
Web: | www.powermetalresources.com |
Address: |
CMS Corporate Consultants Limited 201 Temple Chambers 3-7 Temple Avenue London EC4Y 0DT |
Primorus Investments plc
Contact: | Simon Holden |
Web: | http://www.primorusinvestments.com/ |
Address: |
48 Chancery Lane London WC2A 1JF |
Promethieus Technologies plc
Contact: | Christine Lagace |
Address: |
Minshull House 67 Wellington Road North Stockport Cheshire SK4 2LP |
Pronatura Assets Management PLC - SERVICES TERMINATED
Contact: | Yves Legault |
Address: |
Minshull House 67 Wellington Road North Stockport Cheshire SK4 2LP |
Queros Capital Partners plc
Contact: | Yashpreet Singh |
Web: | www.queroscapitalpartners.com |
Address: |
Office Suite G4 Bredon House 321 Tettenhall Road Wolverhampton WV6 0JZ |
Quetzal Capital Plc
Contact: | John Taylor |
Web: | http://quetzalcapital.co.uk/ |
Address: |
6th Floor 60 Gracechurch Street London EC3V 0HR |
Rayner Surgical Group Limited
Contact: | Cepta Kelly |
Web: | www.rayner.com |
Address: |
The Ridley Innovation Centre 10 Dominion Way Worthing West Sussex BN14 8AQ |
Red Rock Resources Plc
Contact: | Andrew Bell |
Tel: | 0207 747 9960 |
Web: | www.rrrplc.com |
Address: |
Salisbury House London Wall London EC2M 5PS |
Rex Bionics plc (IN LIQUIDATION)
Contact: | Sue Fraser |
Tel: | 020 7478 9014 |
Web: | www.rexbionics.com |
Address: |
c/o Sherrards Solicitors 7 Swallow Place London W1B 2AG |
RiverFort Global Opportunities plc
Contact: | Miles Nicholson |
Tel: | 020 7467 1709 |
Web: | www.riverfortglobalopportunities.com |
Address: |
30 Percy Street London W1T 2DB |
Roquefort Investments plc
Contact: | Stephen West |
Address: |
Eccleston Yards 25 Eccleston Place London SW1W 9NF |
Rosa Gold plc
Contact: | Christine Lagace |
Address: |
Minshull House 67 Wellington Road North Stockport Cheshire SK4 2LP |