Please click the individual company name below for contact details of that company. Companies that allow investors to register on our website are highlighted in bold and italic.
Versarien plc
Contact: | William Battrick |
Web: | www.versarien.com |
Address: |
Unit 7-8 Century Park Park Chittening Industrial Estate Chittening Bristol GL51 0YD |
Vivobarefoot Limited
Contact: | Charlotte Beyer |
Tel: | 020 7566 607 |
Address: |
28 Britton Street London EC1M 5UE |
White Star Leisure plc
Contact: | Geoff Melamet |
Tel: | 020 7724 9434 |
Web: | www.whitestarleisure.com |
Address: |
100 Seymour Place London W1H 1NE |
Windar Photonics plc
Contact: | Jorgen Korsgaard Jensen |
Web: | www.windarphotonics.com |
Address: |
3 More London Riverside London SE1 2AQ |
Xpediator plc
Contact: | Olivia Blyth |
Tel: | 03300432395 |
Web: | www.xpediator.com |
Address: |
700 Avenue West Skyline 120 Braintree Essex CM77 7AA |