Please click the individual company name below for contact details of that company. Companies that allow investors to register on our website are highlighted in bold and italic.
AB Dynamics plc
Contact: | Felicity Jackson |
Tel: | 01225 860200 |
Web: | www.abdynamics.com |
Address: |
Middleton Drive Bradford On Avon Wiltshire BA15 1GB |
Accloud plc
Contact: | Ross James |
Web: | www.accloud.com |
Address: |
32 Blackfriars Road London SE1 8NY |
Ace Liberty & Stone plc
Contact: | I F Ghandour |
Web: | http://acelibertyandstone.com/ |
Address: |
3a Pont Street London SW1X 9EJ |
Active Energy Group plc
Contact: | Andrew Diamond |
Web: | www.aegplc.com |
Address: |
12 Hay Hill Mayfair London W1J 8NR |
Adams plc (Transfer Agent)
Contact: | Paul Johnson |
Tel: | 01624 604761 |
Web: | http://www.adamsplc.co.uk/ |
Address: |
55 Athol Street Douglas Isle of Man IM1 1LA |
Alba Mineral Resources plc
Contact: | George Frangeskides |
Tel: | 02073764037 |
Web: | www.albamineralresources.com |
Address: |
6th Floor 60 Gracechurch Street London EC3V 0HR |
All Saints Asset Management plc
Contact: | Steve Brown |
Web: | www.allsaintsam.com |
Address: |
2nd Floor Cuthbert House All Saints Newcastle NE1 2RT |
All Saints Commercial plc
Contact: | Steve Brown |
Web: | www.allsaintscommercial.co.uk |
Address: |
27/28 Eastcastle Street London W1W 8DH |
Alpha Universal Management Limited (CLOSED)
Contact: | Gobind Sahney |
Web: | http://www.aumplc.com/home |
Address: |
30 Percy Street London W1T 2DB |
Altona Rare Earths plc
Contact: | Christian Taylor-Wilkinson |
Web: | http://www.altonaenergy.com/index.php |
Address: |
St Brides Partners 3 St Michael's Alley London EC3V 9DS |
Amalgamated Metal Corporation plc
Contact: | Hamish Michie |
Tel: | 020 7466 5772 |
Web: | www.amcgroup.com |
Address: |
55 Bishopsgate London EC2N 3AH |
Angela Flowers Gallery Limited
Contact: | Selva Sivakumaran |
Web: | www.flowersgallery.com |
Address: |
Flowers East 82 Kingsland Road London E2 8DP |
Angelfish Investments plc
Contact: | Richard Walker |
Tel: | 07772 013116 |
Web: | www.angelfishplc.com |
Address: |
Suite D Kings Court Railway Street Altrincham Cheshire WA14 2RD |
Angling Direct plc
Contact: | Shona Wright |
Tel: | 07496853413 |
Web: | anglingdirect.co.uk |
Address: |
2D Wendover Road Rackheath Industrial Estate Norwich NR13 6LH |
Anglo African Oil & Gas plc
Contact: | Sarah Cope |
Tel: | +44 7836 322 99 |
Web: | www.aaog.com |
Address: |
27/28 Eastcastle Street London W1W 8DH |
Angus Energy plc
Contact: | Carlos Dos Santos Fernandes |
Tel: | 0208 8996 380 |
Web: | www.angusenergy.co.uk |
Address: |
Building 3 Chiswick Park 566 Chiswick High Street London W4 5YA |
Aprelskoe Limited
Contact: | CMS Cameron McKenna Nabarro Olswang |
Tel: | 0207 5246357 |
Web: | www.aprelskoe.com |
Address: |
78 Cannon Street London EC4N 6AF |
Asimilar Group plc
Contact: | Mohammed Sohail Bhatti |
Web: | www.asimilargroup.com |
Address: |
4 More London Riverside London SE1 2AU |
Athelney Trust plc
Contact: | Clare Chappell |
Tel: | 01326 378288 |
Web: | www.athelneytrust.co.uk |
Address: |
Waterside Court Falmouth Road Penryn Cornwall TR10 8AW |
Baobab Resources Limited
Contact: | Jeremy Dowler |
Tel: | +6189430715 |
Web: | www.baobabresources.com |
Address: |
Suite 25 South Terrace Piazza 26-36 South Terrace Fremantle WA 6160 Australia |
Black Arrow Group Limited
Contact: | Charles Gay |
Tel: | 020 8538 5935 |
Address: |
3rd Floor, Profile West 950 Great West Road Brentford Middlesex TW8 9ES |
Blencowe Resources plc
Contact: | Paul Johnson |
Tel: | 01624 604771 |
Address: |
c/o 55 Athol Street Douglas Isle of Man IM1 1LA |
Block Energy plc
Contact: | Paul Haywood & Ida Filipsson |
Tel: | EC3V 9DS |
Web: | http://www.blockenergy.co.uk/ |
Address: |
3 St Michaels Alley London |
BlueRock Diamonds plc
Contact: | Adam Waugh |
Tel: | 0207 408 1067 |
Web: | http://www.bluerockdiamonds.co.uk/ |
Address: |
7th Floor 39 St James's Street London SW1A 1JD |
Bonhill Group plc
Contact: | Iryna Vale |
Tel: | +44 20 3130 883 |
Web: | www.vitessemedia.co.uk |
Address: |
TMF Group 5th Floor 6 St Andrews Street London EC4A 3AE |
BWA Group plc
Contact: | James Butterfield |
Tel: | 01590 623135 |
Web: | www.bwagroupplc.com |
Address: |
Bridge House Lyndhurst Road Brockenhurst Hampshire 07770 225253 Mob SO42 7TR |
Capital for Colleagues plc
Contact: | John Eckersley |
Web: | www.capitalforcolleagues.com |
Address: |
2nd Floor Office C The Design Centre Roman Way Crusader Park Warminster BA12 8SP |
Capricorn Mining plc
Contact: | Christine Lagace |
Address: |
Minshull House 67 Wellington Road North Stockport Cheshire SK4 2LP |
Centaur Media plc
Contact: | Swag Mukerji |
Tel: | 020 7970 4000 |
Web: | www.centaur.co.uk |
Address: |
Wells Point 79 Wells Street London W1T 3QN |
Central Asian Minerals and Resources plc (Transfer Agent)
Contact: | Oliver Vaughan |
Tel: | 01600750473 |
Web: | www.camarplc.com |
Address: |
34 North Quay Douglas Isle of Man IM1 4LB |
Web: | www.cepsplc.com |
Chelverton Growth Trust plc
Contact: | Jon Carslake/Peter Lee |
Web: | www.chelvertonam.com |
Address: |
Suite 8, Bridge House Courtenay Street Newton Abbot TQ12 2QS |
China Food Company plc
Contact: | Nigel Cartwright |
Tel: | 0207 930 888 |
Web: | www.chinafoodcompany.com |
Address: |
3rd Floor 49-51 Whitehall London SW1X 2BX |
Coral Products plc
Contact: | Sharon Gramauskas |
Web: | www.coralproducts.com |
Address: |
North Florida Road Haydock Industrial Estate Haydock Merseyside WA11 9TP |
Corcel plc
Contact: | Andrew Bell |
Tel: | 0207 747 9960 |
Web: | www.corcelplc.com |
Address: |
Salisbury House London Wall London EC2M 5PS |
Cordillera Gold plc
Contact: | Christine Lagace |
Address: |
Minshull House 67 Wellington Road North Stockport Cheshire SK4 2LP |
Cortex Limited
Contact: | Tony Edwards |
Address: |
Kings Park House Kings Park Road Southampton SO15 2AT |
Critical Metals Plc
Contact: | Russell Fryer |
Tel: | 020 3095 6449 |
Web: | www.criticalmetals.co.uk |
Address: |
Hill Dickinson LLP The Broadgate Tower 20 Primrose Street London EC2A 2EW |
Crossword Cybersecurity plc
Contact: | Tom Ilube |
Address: |
2 Sheen Road Richmond TW9 1AE |
CyanConnode Holdings plc
Contact: | Heather Peacock |
Web: | www.cyanconnode.com |
Address: |
Merlin Place Milton Road Cambridge CB4 0DP |